Paradoxes de l'économie, Internet et le piratage

Deux articles au passage pour ceux qui s’intéressent aux questions d’économie dans la sphère numérique :

The Internet’s Unholy Marriage to Capitalism dans le Monthly Review, une revue « socialiste » qui livre cette introduction avant de se pencher sur une panoplie de concepts économiques, livrée avec un point de vue de gauche:

The Internet, or more broadly, the digital revolution is truly changing the world at multiple levels. But it has also failed to deliver on much of the promise that was once seen as implicit in its technology. If the Internet was expected to provide more competitive markets and accountable businesses, open government, an end to corruption, and decreasing inequality—or, to put it baldly, increased human happiness—it has been a disappointment. To put it another way, if the Internet actually improved the world over the past twenty years as much as its champions once predicted, we dread to think where the world would be if it had never existed.

We do not argue that the initial sense of the Internet’s promise was pure fantasy, although some of it can be attributed to the utopian enthusiasm that major new technologies can engender when they first emerge. (One is reminded of the early-twentieth-century view of the Nobel Prize-winning chemist and philosopher of energetics, Wilhelm Ostwald, who contended that the advent of the “flying machine” was a key part of a universal process that could erase international boundaries associated with nations, languages, and money, “bringing about the brotherhood of man.”3) Instead, we argue that there was—and remains—extraordinary democratic and revolutionary promise in this communication revolution. But technologies do not ride roughshod over history, regardless of their immense powers. They are developed in a social, political, and economic context. And this has strongly conditioned the course and shape of the communication revolution.

Aussi, comme le relève Laurent LaSalle, journaliste qui tient l’excellent blogue techno de Radio-Canada Triplex, une étude académique qui discute des « coûts sociaux » liés aux verrous numériques. Employant une approche économétrique, les chercheurs démontrent que les mélomanes vertueux s’imposent un coût plus élevé que les mélomanes fourbes (pirates) puisque les pistes musicales qu’ils achètent, protégée par verrous, sont moins utiles et plus difficiles à utiliser, sans oublier le risque de prendre ses achats si son bidule cesse de fonctionner :

Dinah A. Vernik (, Devavrat Purohit ( and Preyas S. Desai (
Marketing Science, Music Downloads and the Flip Side of Digital Rights Management
(l’article en question est aussi diffusé directement via le site de Radio-Canada)

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 2011-10-21 à 8 h 31 min.