Quelques citations sur l'économie de la culture et du jeu

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« The fundamental problem is that consumers of pure public goods [e.g.: copyrighted-protected digital works like indie games] have both the motivation and the ability to understate the intensity of their preferences. This incentive incompatibility is what Samuelson saw as the true root of the market’s tendency to underproduce public goods »


« Experiences, first introduced as a limited extension of the standard rational choice model, appear to be destined for a larger role. In contemporary information-intensive economies, ‘experience industries’ constitute an economic subsector in its own right. Experience goods, interpreted as products that contain regularly varied information inducing new mental experiences in their users, pose interesting theoretical challenges. Information is needed to enable informed choices by future consumers, and such information draws its effectiveness from consistent value rankings within networks of experts, which are perceived as independent of commercial interests. The expert valuations gain a marketable value in themselves as they are experienced by the consumers and their communication network. Both notions, scales of quality and networks of communication, pose new challenges to economic theory. »

« Experience Goods » in The Handbook of Cultural Economics
(Hutter, p. 214, 2011)

« Industry, independent and non-profit creators, collecting organizations, and research organizations [need to] collaborate to develop strategies for collecting and making accessible final works, the resources from which these works were created, records of the development process of works, records of reaction and contribution by audiences, and records of marketing and reception. Supporting basic and applied research in fundamental questions ranging from information organization »

Recommendation 8: Support for Collections and Archives
(Wardrip-Fruin & Mateas, 2014, p. 9)

Bomsel, Olivier, 2010, L’Economie immatérielle, Industries et marchés d’expériences, Gallimard, « NRF Essais »
Hutter, 2011, « Experience Goods » in The Handbook of Cultural Economics, Ruth Towse ed., Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 211-215
Lessig, Lawrence, 2006, Code v2, Basic Books, http://codev2.cc/download+remix/Lessig-Codev2.pdf
OCLC, 2003, Libraries: How They Stack Up, available from: https://oclc.org/content/dam/oclc/reports/librariesstackup.pdfWardrip-Fruin, Noah and Michael Mateas, 2014, Envisioning the Future of Computational Media The Final Report of the Media Systems Project, available from http://mediasystems.soe.ucsc.edu/sites/default/files/Media%20Systems-Full%20Report.pdf
Yoo, C.S., 2007, « Copyright and Public Good Economics: A Misunderstood Relation », 155 U. Pa. L. Rev. 635

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