Le Canada sous surveillance

Selon un rapport spécial du Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR), le Canada a effectué des efforts pour s’améliorer un matière de combattre la contrefaçon, mais ce pays doit toujours figurer dans la liste « sous surveillance » (watch list). En effet, la criminalisation de l’enregistrement de films dans les théâtres grâce à de caméras numériques et la ratification des traités d’Internet de 1996 seraient nécessaire afin de retrouver le droit chemin.

Le rapport s’intitule « 2007 Special 301 Review » d’après la disposition législative qui impose cette analyse annuelle des mesures de protection de la propriété intellectuelle des pays commerçant avec les USA. Il indique que :

Canada is being retained on the Watch List in 2007. The United States commends Canada for issuing regulations correcting deficiencies in its system for protecting against unfair commercial use pharmaceutical data generated to obtain marketing approval. The United States notes our continuing concerns, however, with Canada’s failure to ratify and implement the WIPO Internet Treaties and its failure to prohibit the unauthorized camcording of films in movie theaters. The United States also continues to urge Canada to improve its IPR enforcement system to enable authorities to take effective action against the trade in counterfeit and pirated products within Canada, as well as curb the amount of infringing products transshipped and transiting through Canada. Canada’s weak border measures continue to be a serious concern for IP owners.

The United States hopes that Canada will implement legislative changes to provide a stronger border enforcement system by giving its customs officers the authority to seize products suspected of being pirated or counterfeit without the need for a court order. Greater cooperation between Canadian Customs and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police would enhance IPR enforcement, as would the provision of additional resources and training to customs officers and domestic law enforcement personnel. The United States will continue to monitor Canada’s progress in providing an adequate and effective IPR protection regime that is consistent with its international obligations and its advanced level of economic development, including improved border enforcement, near term ratification and implementation of the WIPO Internet Treaties, and efforts to stop unauthorized camcording of films in movie theaters.

Voir une analyse globale du raport dans le site IP Justice.

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 2007-05-15 à 11 h 55 min.