Vivement les documents ouverts !

Voici deux nouvelles d’importance pour la norme ISO26300, nommée aussi « Open Document Format (ODF) » :

Premièrement, une pétition numérique existe pour contrer la norme rivale de Microsoft d’obtenir l’assentiment de l’ISO. Pour en savoir plus, visitez le lien de la pétition (en anglais).

Ensuite, l’Internet Society de la Hollande et de la Belgique annoncent le lancement de la OpenDoc Society. (site en anglais uniquement) Selon le communiqué :

A new member-based organisation, OpenDoc Society, will try to bring a global community of users, technologists, and decision makers together around Open Document Format (ODF). The OpenDoc Society will be trying to build a community around the Open Document Format (ISO 26300:2006) and related document standards as key technologies for our society and the Internet in a pre-competitive way.

Open Document Format (ODF) is an OASIS/ISO-standardized, vendor neutral file format that enables cross-platform collaboration between people and many different types of applications – from Office suites to server software. Having such a standard will re-establish full ownership of documents to users, guaranteeing unhindered access to content now and in the future. At the same time, it will contribute to interoperability and innovation across platforms and applications. This will help people work more efficiently and take away the dependency on specific software companies and versions of software for having access to one’s own content.

It is not about converting people to use specific software. It promotes all ODF-based technology alike: may the best offering in any given situation win. This pragmatic and positive approach is what makes the OpenDoc Society unique. A growing number of governments, including the Dutch, Belgian, South-African and Danish governments, is moving away from the proprietary formats such as .doc, .wpd and .xls and converting to ODF.

D’ailleurs, tous et chacun sont appelés à créer chapitres locaux de cette organisation.

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 2007-11-15 à 11 h 00 min.