Criminalisation de votre iPod

Selon le National Post, le gouvernement conservateur serait prêt à imposer une sanction criminelle de 500$ pour ceux qui détiennent de la musique jugée illégale, issue du téléchargement.

The federal Conservatives are set to introduce new copyright legislation that will include provisions to target users with a $500 fine for all illegal files transferred online, a move that legal experts say could see Canadians sued for hundreds of thousands of dollars if found guilty of infringement.


« The core really is a desire to satisfy U. S. pressure by enacting something very close to the U. S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act, » said University of Ottawa law professor Michael Geist, an expert in Internet commerce issues. « The irony here is that while file sharing could be held up as the prime rationale for new legislation, the reality is that individual Canadians and the everyday products they purchase are going to be most deeply affected, » he said, citing CDs and DVDs as examples of items that will likely have restrictions placed on their usage.

Critics have said the U. S. copyright bill is ineffective in enforcing infringement and sends the wrong message to consumers. The bill was cast in a prominent light following a civil case in Minnesota that ruled a single mother had to pay the Recording Industry Association of America a $222,000 fine for 24 cases of copyright infringement.

To date, Canadians have not been sued for sharing illegal digital material following a ruling by the Federal Court of Appeal in 2004, which denied a request from the Canadian Recording Industry Association to force Internet service providers to subpoena its customers suspected of sharing infringed material based on weak evidence and privacy concerns.

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 2008-06-06 à 14 h 23 min.