Journée du droit d'auteur : déclaration

Le réseau international de bibliothèques eIFL (Electronic Information for Libraries) annonce la diffusion d’une déclaration concernant le droit des usagers des bibliothèques dans le cadre de la Journée mondiale du livre et du droit d’auteur (JMLDA) 2008.

Selon le communiqué:

At the Second Global eIFL-IP conference in Istanbul in March 2009, librarians from thirty-nine developing and transition countries decided to highlight the importance of users’ rights for libraries and education to mark the occasion of World Book and Copyright Day on April 23rd, 2009. Sponsored by UNESCO, World Book and Copyright Day seeks to “promote reading, publishing and the protection of intellectual property through copyright”. For libraries, and the people who use libraries, it is the exceptions and limitations to the legal protections granted to rightsholders that provide the basic mechanism for access to copyrighted content.

One of the greatest resources for development is the human resource. Libraries build capacity by providing quality learning support services to educational institutions and by promoting information literacy for lifelong learning. Copyright exceptions and limitations are critical to meeting the library mission to support learning and research, promote free expression and the flow of information in society and to preserve cultural and scientific heritage for future generations. Exceptions and limitations are important to libraries everywhere, but they are of critical importance to developing and transition countries whose capacity to access knowledge is crucial to their social and economic development.

Voir les événements sur le site de la JMLDA au Québec, ou celui-ci organisé par l’ASTED ce soir 19h à la Bibliothèque Le Prévost (7355, avenue Christophe-Colomb, Métro Jean-Talon).

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 2009-04-23 à 9 h 48 min.