Envol de la musique numérique?

Brad Stone propose, dans un article du New York Times, que les services de musique numérique légaux gagnent du terrain face aux moyens illégaux d’obtenir la musique :

Two recent studies of online behavior contribute to this optimistic view. In June, two British research agencies, MusicAlly and The Leading Question, generated a wave of headlines in the tech press after reporting that the percentage of 14- to 18-year-olds using file-sharing services at least once a month dropped to 26 percent in January 2009 from 42 percent in December 2007.

Similarly, a survey by the NPD Group in the United States this spring found that teenagers aged 13 to 17 illegally downloaded 6 percent fewer tracks in 2008 than in 2007, while more than half said they were now listening to legal online radio services like Pandora, up from 34 percent the year before.

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 2009-07-27 à 11 h 15 min.