Les licences à l'étude le 26 avril

La Licensing Executives Society nous propose une journée d’études sur les licences le 26 avril prochain à Montréal (en anglais uniquement, il me semble) :

This one-day course provides a survey of the basics of intellectual property (IP) and licensing. It builds a practical understanding of core IP and licensing concepts from both the business and legal perspectives. Each course, taught by both legal and business experts working as a team, is divided into five topics with examples, exercises and interaction between instructors and fellow students. Topics include: Introduction to IP; Basics of IP Commercialization & Licensing; Determining Reasonable License Fees & Royalty; Managing Risks; and a Licensing Case Study.

En plus, le 26 avril est la journée mondiale de la propriété intellectuelle.

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 2012-04-16 à 13 h 09 min.